The private sector is doing fine
The private sector is doing fine, you can see how fine they are doing by the millions that they give to Myth Romneys campaign.
They have the lowest tax in history. Some of them pay negative taxes (meaning we the working people pay them for their presence).
Just to name one, Verizon pay negative taxes, this is a reward for shipping their call centers to places like India, Philippines etc.
Just to name a few, for 2008-10 period Wells Fargo, AT&T, Verizon, General Electric, IBM, Exxon Mobil, Boeing, Goldman Sachs. received tax subsidies.
In other words they pay negative taxes, ie. the government subsidize them with the poor workers money.
We the people do not receive any subsidies or bailouts. we are taxed mercilessly at 35%.
Who is the private sector?
The private sector is not your little pluming or electrical business.
The private sector is:
the chamber of commerce, Sheldon Adelson, Harold Simmons, Bob Perry, Koch Brothers, etc just to name a few.
The private sector is doing fine just look at the abundance of money they have to give Myth Romney to subvert the will of the people.
The private sector is doing well, we the workers are not.
The private sector has never had it so good since the days of Standard Oil.
The private sector in conjunction with the supreme court and the Republican parasite beast is subverting the will of the people.
The supreme court subverted the will of the people putting Bush Cheney and other criminals in power creating the economic catastrophe that we are in now.
For the previous 8 year term America was under the supreme court rule, with Bush presiding over the economic destruction.
The supreme court now give corporations and and billionaires the power to spend whatever it takes to subvert the will if the people.
This is your last chance to save yourselves and your country from the supreme court and the Republican parasite beast.
If you allow the supreme court to choose the beast Romney to do another Bush on us America as we know it will be destroyed for good.
Give President Obama 4 more years.
Unuseminucum 6/27/12
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